Mad Capital
Brandon Welch
Co-Founder and CEO
Brandon is on a mission to create a regenerative revolution in agriculture. In late 2017, he helped launch Mad! to help farmers transition their land to regenerative organic agriculture by providing agronomic and business planning support, building new crop markets, and providing access to aligned capital.
Brandon led the launch of Perennial Fund I and Mad Capital, which is now working with farmers on over 79,000 acres in 15 states in the US, on track to transition 10,000 acres of land to certified organic. He manages the Mad Capital team and works actively across the company, spanning sales, credit, operations, asset management, fundraising, and strategic planning. Brandon is a practitioner of strong virtues, having skin in the game, and doing meaningful work that matters. Before working in food systems, he graduated with an Environmental Science Degree from the University of Vermont with an eco-design concentration and managed a revolving carbon fund in Colorado.
Other notable accomplishments include biking from coast to coast across the USA in 2016, hiking the 272-mile Long Trail through VT, and touring the USA for four months, living out of a truck before landing in Boulder, CO, where he lives with his wife, Lily. Outside of the Madness, you can find him hiking in the backcountry, getting into macro-economic debates, riding his bike, cheffing it up over the grill, or reading a book.